Terms of Service

Last Modified: 12/4/23

Please read these terms carefully. Intuitive Photography intends to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law any violation of these terms.

By using the services of Intuitive Photography, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by the following terms:

  • All media (photos, design, etc.) contained within the website www.intuitive-photography.com and www.intuitivephotography.pic-time.com (the “Gallery Delivery Site”) is owned by Intuitive Photography (hereafter referred to as "The Company"). All Federal copyright laws apply.

  • Unless expressly granted in writing, The Company retains the copyright to all media. No media contained within this website and on the Gallery Delivery Site is to be used in any way unless a) you are using media you have contracted The Company to create for you, or b) you have written consent from The Company.

The following pertains to clients of The Company:

  • By hiring The Company, you acknowledge and agree that photography services, including photography, retouching, graphic design, etc., are a subjective talent.

  • You further acknowledge that you have reviewed The Company's works thoroughly, and are comfortable hiring The Company based on these works along with the understanding that, as a subjective talent, media created for you are The Company's interpretation of your requests.

  • You understand that The Company is entitled to interpret your requests according to their style and artistic sensibilities and that the existence of other similarly-situated media by other companies are not to be construed as an operating standard for The Company.

  • You further understand and acknowledge that the Company will work within the limitations of the conditions and environments presented to us for work (i.e., while we employ industry-standard professional equipment and editing for all jobs, if the original conditions are less than ideal, expectation of drastically elevating those conditions via our photography must be reasonably tempered as it pertains to results). Like bakers, results will depend on the ingredients—many of which are out of our control (such as venue, loss of natural light due to client lateness or other reasons, weather, and so on).

  • RAW photos: Under no circumstances will The Company deliver RAW photographs to Client unless in rare circumstances where this has been agreed to in writing. Further, The Company will not retain the RAW photographs beyond the successful delivery of completed work.

  • Group Shots: You acknowledge and agree that it is the Client’s responsibility to furnish and gather all individuals required for Group Shots and that said individuals agree to sitting or standing for a reasonable amount of time to have their picture taken. You further understand and acknowledge that Group Shots may require successive flash sequences in order to furnish the best outcome for the shot — one that has everyone looking in the same direction, with their eyes open, and so forth ( “the Ideal Group Shot”). You agree and understand that despite best efforts of the Company, that the Ideal Group Shot still may not be obtained.

  • By hiring The Company, you agree to pay for all work completed, regardless of satisfaction with the work. There are no refunds whatsoever for work completed by The Company.

  • By downloading media from this website or any other links to you provided by The Company containing your media, you acknowledge and agree that media are owned and copyrighted by The Company. Purchaser is buying non-exclusive right to use media for personal and/or business use. Third party use or assignment is prohibited unless expressly granted in writing by The Company. The Company retains the right to use all media for any purpose.

  • Any media presented for download are guaranteed to remain available at the link for 30 days. Please download and save media. We cannot guarantee their availability after 30 days.

The following pertains to real estate photography:

  • Any outdoor or real estate photoshoot is subject to rescheduling due to poor weather conditions, including, but not limited to: dark clouds, precipitation, high wind, dangerous storms, or flooding. In the event that the weather inhibits a shoot, you will be contacted by The Company before the scheduled appointment to reschedule. Should rescheduling be an issue, the shoot may continue as scheduled at The Company's discretion, and an additional fee may be required. You acknowledge and agree that if you proceed in less than ideal weather conditions, your media may be affected as explained in detail above.

  • Under no circumstances will outdoor photos be taken when heavy precipitation is present.

Please contact The Company with any questions about these policies.


All content ©Intuitive Photography. All photos protected by Federal copyright laws. Any unauthorized use is prohibited.